Margot Robbie, best known for her portrayal of the iconic Barbie in Greta Gerwig‘s lively live-action comedy based on the beloved Mattel doll, recently shared an unexpected fan theory that has been circulating about the film. In a recent video interview with Elle, the 33-year-old actress revealed an unconventional interpretation suggested by a fan – that ‘Barbie’ might actually be a horror film. Robbie recounted this curious theory and how it could have led to an utterly perplexing experience for those who subscribed to it.
During the interview, Robbie chuckled as she said, “Perhaps the most unusual fan theory I’ve come across about the movie is the idea that it’s secretly a horror flick. Imagine the twist – you think you’re settling in for a classic Barbie film, and then, bam! It’s filled with horror and gore!” She went on to explain that someone had actually shared this theory with her, to which she promptly responded, “That’s not the case at all. Please, let’s not spread that rumor. I wouldn’t want horror fans to end up disappointed.”
Robbie expressed her hope that audiences would form their own opinions about ‘Barbie,’ even if they happened to have reservations about it. Speaking to ‘Entertainment Tonight,’ she elaborated, “I’m filled with excitement. We’ve reached the point where we’re ready to share it with the world. There’s always that moment when you’ve put your heart and soul into a film, and you’re hoping people not only enjoy it but also get a chance to see it. Even if it’s not someone’s cup of tea, I just hope they watch it and come up with their own thoughts. But I have a strong feeling that a lot of people will see this movie, and that’s really thrilling.”
Robbie also took a moment to applaud the film’s director for bringing a unique perspective to the project. She remarked, “It’s truly Greta’s vision. The concept of ‘Barbie’ has been around for 64 years, but Greta’s contemporary take on it, in a way that only she can, is what makes this movie relevant for today.”
In a separate revelation, Robbie disclosed that she wasn’t particularly enamored with Barbie dolls during her own childhood. The Australian actress, who hails from Queensland, admitted that she didn’t quite share the enthusiasm for these dolls. Speaking to PEOPLE, she explained, “I don’t recall having any Barbie dolls of my own. My sister had them, and I vaguely remember my cousin having some. I would play with my cousin’s dolls, but I wasn’t really into Barbie dolls when I was growing up.” When asked about her childhood preferences, Robbie playfully responded, “I was more of a ‘roll-around-in-the-mud’ kind of girl.”